NinerNet Communications™
Internet Hosting Services
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Contact us

If you are a client looking for support, please check the documentation and resources on the support page to see if your question is answered there.

When contacting us via the form below, please ensure that all fields are completed and that you thoughtfully select the correct reason for sending a message. This will ensure that your message goes to the proper person and that you receive a response appropriate to your needs.

Please enter only one email address. Other email addresses may be included in the body of your message.

Please include country and city/area/carrier codes.

Select "Emergency" only if you believe your server is completely inaccessible or you have some other true emergency.



NinerNet Communications Company
202-15388 24 Avenue
Surrey BC  V4A 2J2
Canadian flag. Canada

Telephone: +1 604 630 1772
Toll-free: 1 855 NINERNET (1 855 646 3763)

NinerNet Communications
P.O. Box 36888
Zambian flag. Zambia

Telephone: +260 96 209 8871 (No missed calls. Leave a message. We'll return your call in the same time frame as our stated response times for non-emergent emails.)

NinerNet Communications Company
499-1685 H Street
Blaine WA  98230
American flag. United States of America

Toll-free: 1 855 NINERNET (1 855 646 3763)

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Since 1996!

Wow ... thanks to both of you. I never would have been able to do this myself! --Gone With the Wick Chick, United States of America