NinerNet Communications™
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Hosting and domain rates

We are sorry to say that, due to the difficulties of doing business with Stanbic Bank, we no longer invoice our Zambian clients or accept payments in kwachas. It is difficult to do business with a bank that routinely freezes our account with no notice and with no reason, preventing us from confirming receipt of payments from clients and paying our own bills.

We now invoice our Zambian clients in US dollars. Please consult those rates. At least now our rates won't change every quarter as they used to have to do due to the wildly fluctuating value of the kwacha.

This is a temporary situation though, as NinerNet Communications will come under a new management structure in the first half of 2025. When it does, the new company will bank with a competent Zambian bank and we will again publish rates and invoice in kwachas.

Thank-you, and we apologise to you for this temporary inconvenience.
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Since 1996!

[As] always, I am grateful for your help. --Avalon Dance Shop of Canada Ltd., Canada